Cushings & Laminitis

Little Otis was just an absolute delight. His not-very-horsey family was moving interstate and couldn't take him with them, so I match-made him with another client was a very experienced horse owner. As an older horse with medical needs he was only able to go to a very special home. This client of mine had recently lost a mini and had been missing her little friend, so the timing worked out beautifully!
In his new home Otis was given hoof care every 2 - 5 weeks as required to help keep him comfortable in his teenage years. He also had extra issues with a bad knee and a previously busted shoulder. He was tested regularly for cushings and although he never actually tested positive he was prophylactically put on the medication and an improvement was clearly noticed. He was kept in a laneway / track system where his diet and health was closely monitored.
With his owners experience and dedication Otis went on to enjoy quite a few more happy years before his condition unfortunately worsened and he was put to rest. The IHCA team miss his happy little face and are so glad we were able to help him enjoy his golden years in comfort.